The other day I noticed an acquaintance published a status making libelous claims against the Catholic Church. I really do detest Christians defaming their brethren (especially with falsities). I counteracted by explaining that such aggression and false testimony was not becoming of a Christian. Although such anger is not uncommon, I found this fellow and his many comrades did little but complain about other Christians. So much so, that they created videos of struggling Christians burning in hell.
It brings me joy to think of how many of my family and friends would be disgusted by gross abuses of the Christian message. What I find worrisome is the amount of people who find criticism and hatred so charismatic, including myself. It is so easy to find fault in the people we don't like in order justify our lack of love. It can be so satisfying to find a few choice phrases of an individual or group, learn those cases verbatim and ignore all else. Cherry picking some isolated incidents to unjustly condemn the masses is easier than understanding diversity and complexity.
As I stated, I'm guiltier of this than anyone. Reading a three page pamphlet that conclusively PROVED evolution was false really makes me feel fierce intellectual. When Kent Hovind told me all that people who believe in evolution are stupid and when no less an authority than 80's heart-throb Kirk Cameron explain the Dr. Darwin hated God because his daughter died I was fully justified in disregarding it altogether. On top of feeling super smart for being so enlightened you feel incredibly spiritual. As if fasting from education worked in the same way as fasting from food. It is pure affectation!
Worst of all, this devotion to arrogance cunningly tears us away from God. The liar and adulterer know their path will not lead them to heaven, whereas the pridefully ignorant see themselves as first in line. God, the creator of all truth, fears no questions. The Christian who fabricates propaganda would be like Dr. Hawking writing a literary criticism of the hungry caterpillar. It's beneath them. But the need to make up lies to support a belief must have a base line problem. I suspect we do these things because such passions can distract us from what's truly important. I find that when I'm filled with aggression against particular stance I can become increasingly obsessed with that single factor. Maybe a heresy, fallacy, or immoral practice can catch my attention. I may look at it negatively because it violates God's word or moral code but after a while I hate it for it's own sake. I forget my first love and am left with nothing but hatred for the single project. My passion, conceived in love for God matures to be pure hatred, seeking to not comprehend but the justice my malice. And lies, propaganda and ignorance are the offspring of affectation.
I'm sick of it!
I don't want to distance myself from those who hate you. I'm done creating excuses for their lack of openness that don't revolve around me being a better Christian. It isn't us versus them; it's “but for the grace of God, go I”. If people hate what I believe I will love them more; if they legislate against me I will pray for them, and if they throw me in jail I will buy them really nice shirts. But I will love God all the more.
I don't want to only get excited about verses that disprove heresy. I love the King James Bible because it enlightens Your word for me; don't let me read in order to show I am holier than those who read NIV or the Message. Heresies are real and we're called to counteract them; but I don't let my anger over the abuse destroy my joy of the truth. God, You love Everyone, You died for ALL people, and you will save ALL who will seek you. Let me find joy in this and not passion to subdue and humiliate those who distort your truth.
Lord, I want to help you save your children. I want to love your creation so much that love causes me to want to end abortion. Let not my love for Your children born or unborn turn into a vain passion to discredit liberals. Let me love reach out for heaven sake and not to give hell the finger. Let me minister to the woman and not dream of the abusers judgment. I don't want to be holding a placard about gay marriage; I want all those who are hurting from their sexuality to know my arms are open my love is unconditional. Lord help me to want souls in Heaven more than I want legislation.
I know that conflict is necessary. But I want to fight for love not like the enemy, looking for the taste of blood. I want only to distribute the bread of life. I don't want to make enemies or find fault anymore; I want truth and righteous.
God Love You -- Rev. Sheen
The other day I noticed an acquaintance published a status making libelous claims against the Catholic Church. Really? What libelous claims? That the roman catholic church worships idols? the pope kisses mary idols? what?
ReplyDeleteI really do detest Christians defaming their brethren (especially with falsities). If exposing the error of someone's way to correct them, why is it defaming them & not helping them? And you detest? Certainly not becoming of a Christian as you say - so that makes you a hypocrite right?
I counteracted by explaining that such aggression and false testimony was not becoming of a Christian. Your view is tainted in the belief that the roman catholic is a religion when it's been proven to be a cult. There's your problem, your'e in a cult & you won't admit that sin.
With this comment of yours - But the need to make up lies to support a belief must have a base line problem. - direct this to the roman catholic church as they have taken deleted portions of The Bible & added words not heavenly inspired. Take the 10 commandments, ever notice the 2nd commandment mentions not having any false idols? Oh, not in the ro cath bible? of course not, the pagan priests took it out and split commandment 10 into no one would notice? Oh yes....oh yes....conflict is necessary but you are satan's puppet and until you reject the cult you are in, you will never grace God's heaven. I know, I got out of the rocath cult. I pray everyday for rocaths to escape the path to hell they are all on. With God's mercy and grace they may yet repent before He Comes. Marantha, Come Lord Jesus! <
I think you're missing the point of the article. Apologies if this was unclear. The article is not an apologetically defense of Catholicism but an attempt to avoid lies murkying a complex discussion.
ReplyDeleteYou have incorrectly assumed I am a Roman Catholic; I am merely Christian, as such I am devoted to truth. Lies of any sort, if aimed at Catholics, Muslims, Darwinians or Swedes, I seek to debunk as untruth of any sort is vile to my Lord.
I sense you hold a great deal of aggression toward Catholicism. Would you like some contact info of someone who can guide you in properly interpreting the Catholic faith? I would be happy to do all I can to guide you on your search for truth. Don't let anger or fabrications destroy your love of truth or the union with your siblings in Christ.
God Love You, and as you say מרנא תא (MARANTHA)
Rev Sheen
"the roman catholic church as they have taken deleted portions of The Bible & added words not heavenly inspired. Take the 10 commandments, ever notice the 2nd commandment mentions not having any false idols? Oh, not in the ro cath bible? of course not, the pagan priests took it out and split commandment 10 into 2..."
ReplyDeleteWhich "Catholic" Bible is altered, is it the KJV, Douay-Rheims, New American Bible, or a "Modern Version" ??? To deny the Catholic origin of the KJV is to deny simple historical facts; while the other two are openly Roman Catholic", the Roman Catholic origin of the KJV is denied but easily verified.
I think you're missing the point of the article. Apologies if this was unclear. The article is not an apologetically defense of Catholicism but an attempt to avoid lies murkying a complex discussion.
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Bible has the same commandments as the protestants. They just separate their verses differently.
I believe the KJV does have a Catholic heritage. What is your point?